We’re starting this blog off with a very enthusiastic, loud “Thank You!” to all our Pivotte Kickstarter supporters and backers.
We launched two weeks ago, and we’ve been very fortunate to receive generous amounts of support from old friends, new friends, friends-of-friends, and family. Thank you doesn’t seem to cut it, but please know that we’re so grateful and humbled by the effort on everyone’s end to share our story and contribute to the campaign. The result of all this support is that we are well on our way towards meeting our goal, we were named a Kickstarter Staff Pic, and we’ve been mentioned in the press (more on that later).
To tell the truth, we were hesitant to launch on Kickstarter. We knew that our project wasn’t a typical one. But we could think of no better way to announce ourselves to the world and join a spirited entrepreneurial community. This opportunity is very special to us, and regardless of final outcome, we will always value this positive experience. We’ve learned a lot so far and continue to learn something new every day.
One thing we confirmed, is that there is a need for performance in fashion. We thought great-looking, comfortable, durable and easy-care clothing for the girl on-the-go made sense. And we’re thrilled to find out you do too!
Onwards and upwards from here,
Evelyn & Yehua